The weather here is cold. We had big fat fluffy flakes this morning as I saw John off to work this morning. It was very cold, but prevented me from walking downtown to run some errands (too cold and you won't find me leaving the warmth of my house).
I'm 5 mths along now. We had an ultrasound on 12/10/2008 and have found out we are having a girl. John got a kick out of watching our sweet little one kick and punch me. We also found out what the ultrasound techs do when babies refuse to cooperate - - they take the ultrasound wand and beat your sensitive stomach with it! Needless to say, I wasn't happy when during a part of the ultrasound all she wanted to do was show us her feet. Typical Harmon, stubborn to the bone! She's also a very active baby, I can feel her kicking a stretching now. She's not strong enough for anyone else to feel her, yet.
We have a list of names we are discussing. We've decided not to tell names b/c there is always that chance of changing the name last minute. Dad has decided that we are naming her Temperance (which is a name from his geneology and also a name I almost got) and has started calling her Temperance. He's also decided I'm just the incubater for the new grandbaby.
Life here is still good. John is still looking for a new job, preferably back in the IT field, but he's working. I have yet to drive him completely mad, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time!
Temperance is a beautiful name. Why did Ben not win that name over years ago? Regardless, I am sure she will have a beautiful name.
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas.