Monday, December 7, 2009
Random Photos
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This year we had John's parents and the missionaries over. I put the turkey in @ 3:30am this morning and it was done @ 9am. By the time we were ready to eat, the turkey was so tender it fell apart as we were getting out of the roaster and onto the plate.
This year was esp special b/c it was the Boss's first Thanksgiving. I gave her a spoonful of mashed potatoes, but she didn't like them. It almost looked like she was going to spit them out, but she swallowed them. The face she made was hilarious!
We went down to my parents to look @ the Black Friday ads, but we didn't really see anything we couldn't live w/out. I personally have all of my Christmas shopping done, all that's left is wrapping it. John still has some left (mostly for me!), but he'll get it done before the big day. We are actually going to let the Boss play w/ her Christmas presents before Christmas and wrap the boxes up, b/c @ this age, she'll like playing w/ the paper.
Since this is a season of thanks, I would like to thank John for all the time he spent today playing w/ the Boss so I could get dinner ready (he was also really handy for getting the leaf in the table and getting the turkey outta the roaster, he's such a handy guy). I don't know where I'd be w/ out John, but it wouldn't be as fun of a place.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Big girl
This is the Boss getting her first taste of cereal (or anything other than breastmilk). Her Papa fed her, but she was willing to share by dribbling all over his pants.
Monday, November 2, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Leash Law
Living in a city means we have a leash law. A leash law simply put means that any time your dog is not on your property he must be on a leash. I support this law for many reasons: it keeps your dog from getting hit by cars and it keeps dogs from getting spooked and hurting someone. I understand sometimes a dog slips out, I've had dogs do everything from brute force to outsmarting me to get out of the house. I understand it happens.
Leash laws are good for another reason. People (esp here) think it's fun to keep dogs that shouldn't be breed as pets. I'm talking about pit bulls, boxers and rottweilers. This dogs are all aggressive and really serve no purpose for anyone who is not looking for dog fights. Pit bulls are notorious for not letting go in a fight until they or their opponent is dead.
Why am I going on and on about leash laws? For a very good reason. The Boss and I went for a walk today to run some errands. The weather was beautiful (in the 70s) and it was a glorious day. We had only gotten a few blocks from the house when I noticed something not right on the sidewalk ahead. I noticed a group of people in the way. Not unusual, people like to walk and talk, or in this case, curse. As I got closer, I realized it was a group of about 4 people trying to break up a dog fight. Since I had my baby with me, I didn't get closer than 10 feet. I've been in the middle of a dog fight before and I know that's one mess I don't wanna get involved with.
As I watched them try to break the dogs apart, I realized both dogs were Pit Bulls. This made me really glad I was so far away. I even saw someone get a baseball bat to try and pry the dogs jaw's apart. I also heard a lot of cussing (I don't know if the dogs understood, "get the f*** off" or not, but they kept saying it).
It took about 15 mins of us watching (the dogs had already started fighting and being pulled apart by the time we had walked down, so who knows how long they were fighting) before they finally got the dogs apart. As the one that was on the leash was walking past, I looked at the dogs face. The dog was originally white, but one side of it's face was pink. One of the guys' hand was completely bitten up.
The dog that I presume started the fight was not on a leash, which makes me believe that either the owner thought his dog was "well behaved" or it escaped. Like I said, a dog that wants to escape will escape, but I really think that Pit Bulls really should be put down or done something so that they won't attack (or in the case of that one place of Florida, eat the toes off a 7 month old) others. I also feel that chihuahuas should not be breed, but that's just b/c I find them stupid and well, stupid.
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Weather and more
One bad thing about cold weather, it makes me not want to move. Maybe I'm part reptile, or @ least something cold blooded. The only thing that gets me moving faster is the call of my alarm clock aka the Boss. The cold weather also has me worried about her being too cold. Since she can't have a blanket (and not that she'd allow one to stay on her for longer than 5 seconds) we've turned the heat on earlier for her. We also bought her her own carbon monoxide detector since we use natural gas heat.
On other news (besides me freezing to death), the Boss is starting to be more mobile. I can put her under her play mat and walk out of the room. When I return 5 mins later, she'll be almost 2 feet away. She's not crawling, but she's scooting. She's been rolling around for a while, so that's not a big deal.
She also might be teething. She had a low high grade fever. For those of you who don't understand, according to the Boss's Dr, a high fever is 100.5 degrees and her fever was 100.9. It went down and the dr checked her for swine flu (doesn't have). The older women @ church have decided that means she's teething.
While she was sick (and her mama) her papa was trying to entertain her and accidentally taught her to blow raspberries. This is now her favorite thing to do now. She blows raspberries to everyone. Naturally, John hands her to me a lot and complains about how she's spitting on him.
This weekend I'm going to be making her Halloween costume. She's going to be a duck. She won't be getting any candy, but we'll be showing her off to some of the people in the neighborhood. I'm actually really excited about Halloween this year for that reason. It's interesting to see the holidays thru the eyes of your child, even if they don't know what's going on.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Music and Memories
So why does The Cup of Life remind me of this time period? Well, back when Napster was free, I had downloaded the song and accidentally discovered the Savannah loved to dance to the song. This was the only song she would dance to (and by dance, I mean toddler dance, arms up and wiggling her hips side to side) and both Mom and I thought it was hilarious.
This also brought the memory of poor little Savannah being weened from a bottle completely. She would just hang off of the door to my parents fridge pitifully crying "milchk" "milchk" (and yes, the ch is necessary as it was how she said milk). It broke my mom's heart listening to it, but in the end, she was convinced that eating food off of Buckle Ben and Schicia's plates was much better than a bottle (and that's how she said Uncle Ben and Tricia). Forget the fact that my parents put food on her plate, she wouldn't eat that, but she would steal green beans off of them in a heartbeat.
This was also the time when she loved to flirt w/ my dad and try and get my mom to act all jealous (and that was what it was, an act). She would get mom's attention and say "Schicia, I Buckle Ben's girl" @ which point mom would say something like, "I'm uncle Ben's girl" and my dad would bask in the love of a two year old.
Those are good memories. I hope the Boss has as good of memories of my parents (and John's) as Savannah and her siblings do (and they still call my dad Buckle Ben).
Friday, September 4, 2009
found it
I found the video I was trying to upload earlier. Like I said, she was trying to make the same sounds. Now she's mad b/c I refuse to pick her up. It's good for her to not be in my arms 24/7. She does enjoy sitting up (by being propped up by me) or standing. This one is not one to sit still for a minute.
Friday, August 28, 2009
sleep evasion
This is what it looks like when a baby tries not to take her nap. She still isn't sleeping, she's just wanting to sit up next to me. She needs to stop sucking on her hand and go to sleep.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rolly Polly
It had to happen. The Boss is starting to grow up and she's starting w/ sucking her thumb. Now she's starting to roll over. I noticed yesterday she was almost there, but couldn't quite make it. Today as I was getting things ready to go to the Post Office I noticed she was on her stomach. I did finally get it on video. She's sitting up (w/ help), standing (again w/ help) and is generally smiling her head off. Not to mention she's talking and singing like a fool.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Jive Talking
She talked almost all thru sacrament meeting yesterday (except the time it sounded like she was trying to sing). It looks like she's got the Hurt's gift for gab.
Monday, August 10, 2009
welcome to mommyhood!
So I had the Boss and I ran into a friend of mine and was talking to her when I noticed the Boss was sucking on her thumb and pointer finger w/ her pinky and ring finger curled under. Even though I know she didn't know what she was doing, it looked like my adorable daughter was flipping my friend Sarah the bird! She was even smiling and cooing while flipping her off.
So the last 1/2 hr of church, the Boss farts. I didn't think it was such a big deal until I notice the back of her white onsie was starting to turn mustard yellow (newborn poop looks like mustard). I get up, grab her diaper bag and go to the bathroom to change her. She had pooped so bad it came out the front back and sides of her diaper. She managed to get poop on my shirt and naturally, I ran out of wipes. I had to finish cleaning her up w/ wet paper towels. Since she had no more clean outfits, she had to finish church out naked.
All I was waiting for yesterday was for her to pee on me, then I would have been covered in every liquid avalible to the Boss. John thought it was funny and was very glad it wasn't him.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
our vacay
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Headstrong girl!
I think I have worse worries right now. She's refusing to take her morning nap right now, but she's happily cooing on the floor, so I don't think it will be too bad.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How Embarassing!
Happy Birthday to MEEEEE!!!!!
Plans for today are very low key. I get to fold laundry (yeah!) and my in laws are coming over to baby sit for us so we can go to see Transformers 2 and hopefully after the movie there will be enough time to get Cold Stone ice cream.
For my birthday, I woke up w/ a song stuck in my head. Not:
Monday, June 22, 2009

Life w/ the Boss has evened out and we are working on a routine. I've had people ask why I call her the Boss (Marsha!) when she's such a cutie. Simply put, she is the boss. When she says jump I ask how high. I get in trouble even for little things like going to the bathroom w/ out permission or eating lunch. I don't always call her the Boss, just on the internet. I mostly call her Mama's Pretty Girl.
This week we're staying @ my parent's house for the week. This week is scout camp and John and my dad are on staff. Mom and I are enjoying time together and Mom loves spending time w/ her youngest grandchild (youngest, at least until September). Mom has gotten the chance to brush up on her diaper changing skills (I got a kick out of watching mom's reaction when the Boss decided to pee after mom pulled the dirty diaper out from under her and before the clean one had been added) as well as helping give her a bath (again the Boss decided to pee when her diaper was off, but Mom was holding her over the sink, so not as big of a deal, but I still laughed lots).
Everyone that I've seen from Church (as well as mom and dad's neighbors) have been impressed w/ her hair. @ church yesterday there were 4 new babies and out of the 4 (which includes the Boss) only one had any hair to speak of. Everyone is amazed, but I'm not. I've known almost as soon as I first saw her that she looked like her dad. She's even inheited his cowlick (or one of the 3 he has). I'm still hoping that once her baby hair falls out it'll come back in red. I would really like to have @ least one red headed child.
Her eyes haven't changed color yet. Mom is hoping they'll stay blue. She seems to think that none of her kids have her blue eyes, but mine go between green and blue (she says that doesn't count). I had to remind her, when she tried to complain about having all brown eyed kids, that Jacob and I both have green eyes.
Well, I need to hurry up and shower before the Boss wakes up and throws a fit.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Updates from the zombie parents
Life w/ a baby isn't all that bad. She does let me get a nap most mornings and she does seem to settle down pretty quickly when she's upset. She does have a very laid back attitude, which is fun. She's also exhibiting teenager facial expressions. She's done everything short of rolling her eyes. My MIL swears the Boss's expressions are copies of her mom's. That's cool. I've come to terms w/ the fact that the only thing she inherited from me is my monkey toes. She looks exactly like her daddy, has 1 of his cowlicks (unfortunately, it's the entire back of her head) and even her hair gets wavy when it's washed.
We took her yesterday to church for the 1st time for her blessing (or what other churchs call christening). Everyone was amazed @ how much hair she has. She wore the same gown I wore to my blessing and was very well behaved during it. My biggest fear was for her to have a bowel movement during the blessing. For those who don't know, newborns have really loud poops. You can hear it across the room and that's funny when you're @ home, but embarrassing when you're in public.
I think that's it for this update. I'll try and post some more pics of the Boss @ a later date, but I'm scared if I move she'll wake up.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Baby Harmon has arrived.
Baby Harmon has arrived. Both mother and child are doing well. Wish I could say the same about myself, she didn’t seem real until I saw her born. She was in the presence of our Heavenly Father such a short time ago and now he has entrusted her to us. Every time someone calls me “dad” it just doesn’t feel right. She has a name, but I don't think it is safe to post it on this page yet. Feel free to email Kelli or myself to find out. We will have more pictures soon, had some technical difficulties in that area but should have them cleared up today.
7lbs, 19 inches, 12:54pm.... a little after noon
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The last post for a while, maybe
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Here's a pic

Thursday, April 23, 2009
37 weeks and ready to explode
Spending time here is kinda fun. Today, for example, dad and I watched 3 deer eating grass in the field not far from their house. We actually watched 2 yearling deer grazing across the street. While deer are beautiful, my dad could only think of 2 things: hunting and how he is going to keep them out of his garden this year. I still remember the year he read that human urine would scare deer away. Mom got really mad when she found out that all of her "boys" (including dad) were peeing in the garden.
Today was also a day that I scared mom. Mom and dad are super watchful over my belly. I got in minor trouble for opening the garage door. I decided to get into the candy bar stash tonight after dinner. I apparently sat down too hard on the rocker arm chairs that mom got from Granny's house. I say apparently b/c I ended up going head over heels. Thankfully I fell slow enough to be able to arrange it to where I landed on my upper arms and not my belly, but it was too fast to stop it. Mom was up and by my side in a second. She still thinks I hurt myself more than I'm admitting, but not true. I actually thought it was funny. Dad thought I didn't need the candy bar (he was wrong, king size Kit Kat bar, I mean, Hello!), but the pregnant woman prevailed.
Dad and I also figured out how old their cat, Mamasita, is. I found once an old vet bill for her from 1993 and it said she was 1 1/2 yrs old. That being, she is somewhere around 17 yrs old. She is really getting to the point where she wants to be loved on almost all the time. She forced me to love on her for a good 15 mins. She later got into the house and settled on my belly (apparently it's a good spot for a nap). When I kicked her off of me, she settled on mom's chest and they engaged in a staring contest. Mom won. Mamasita is not a good sport so she settled giving us dirty looks thru the picture window after she got put back out.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The End of an Era
Sammy was a fun puppy. Being older, she was able to do more w/ less of the awkward puppy stuff. Our dog, Chowey, wasn't really sure she liked having a puppy in the house esp one that wanted to play and not leave her alone. Eventually they became good buddies. Ben was surprised by Sammy. He was on his mission when we got her and no one thought to tell him about her, so when he came home he was shocked.
As w/ all dogs, Sammy did have "Marley" moments. The first Sunday we left her alone to go to church, we came home to discover she had trashed the living room. Since it was spring time, mom and dad had left potting soil (in their bags, of course) in the living room. Sammy fixed that. Thankfully, that was the last time she did that.
My favorite Sammy "Marley" moment involves Marsha and Larry Denzil. Since Sammy spent the majority of her first 6 months outside, she was a little slow understanding the whole housebreaking deal. Mom was sure after a while that Sammy had mastered this skill. Marsha and Larry Denzil were over and mom was bragging how she had finally housebroke Sammy. The most natural thing in the world, of course, was for Sammy to squat down and pee right in front of them. I thought (and still do) it was funny, but mom was so embarrassed. I can understand, having owned dogs of my own.
Don Petry loved Sammy Joe. He would always bring a treat for her, usually Mug root beer and would not bring anything for anyone else. Don would always try to get her to smoke cigarettes (she didn't), but during the time he smoked a pipe, she would knock people down to reach him in time to eat some.
Sammy was also a good dog for kids. When Marsha was in John Hopkins waiting for lil' Larry to be born, Savannah would stay w/ us while Larry Denzil was working. We actually trained Sammy to let Savannah to "ride" her like a pony. When she was tired and didn't want to deal w/ kids, she would walk to the door to the downstairs and wait to be let downstairs. Even when she got really old, she never snapped @ anyone, she just got up and moved away.
Sammy liked to go on walks w/ anyone who would go. The only time she didn't, Jacob decided to take her running. She was over 6 yrs old and starting to show her age. Jacob took her for a long run and in the middle of it, she had enough. She laid down in the middle of the road and refused to get up. Jacob was not thrilled that he had to almost carry her home. He got in trouble for "nearly killing Sammy".
Sammy will be missed. She was a good dog and died peacefully in her sleep.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
more baby news
B/c today's drs appt included an ultrasound, I invited mom and dad to come w/ me. Dad decided to stay in the car stating he didn't like all this "girly stuff" while mom was practically dancing to see her newest grandchild. We were taken in actually pretty quickly for the ultrasound (Mom made sure she had a VHS tape to tape it). This ultrasound wasn't like the last one I had, little one actually stayed still as the tech measured (and she didn't even laugh when mom squealed "Look, she has a femur!"). My only complaint (which isn't really a complaint) was the fact she was facing my back hiding her face. The tech assured me she's "assumed the position".
The one burning question I've had for a while, how much does she weigh was answered today. As of 2pm today, she weighs 6lbs 10 ozs. That's a pretty hefty size for me. Mom assured me she would grow @ least a pound more before she makes her big entrance. The tech also told us she has hair. We hope (or @ least I do) that she has red hair, but chances are she'll have black hair just like Daddy.
She's due May 9th, so we only have maybe 1 month left until we see our new little girl. It's scariest and most exciting thing to happen since my marriage.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
The best Ruby Pic EVER!
Green Thumbs

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Gluttony is a sin for a reason
Another exciting bit of news: I have a bathroom shower now! We've lived in our house for 3 yrs now w/ just a bathtub. Living in an old house gives you all kinds of exciting experiences (like how the creaking and settling can sound exactly like someone walking around your house @ midnight), so getting used to a bathtub was one I got used to. I wanted a shower, but other things were more important (like fixing the leak in our roof).
When I became pregnant, getting a shower was moved up to the top of our list. I would eventually get so big I wouldn't be able to get up under my own power (it happens sometimes now and John laughs, hard, as he helps me up). B/c I have a wonderful hardworking husband, he started working on it. He had it all planned out and we thought it would only take a weekend, 2 @ most to get the shower up and working. Life doesn't always go according to plan, unfortunately and we had some setbacks w/ our shower. Luckily, we have good friends and family who are able to help John out when I can't (which for this project is almost everything). I was very excited to take a shower this morning instead of a bath. It also took us less time/water for the both of us to get ready for church this morning.
I do love my hardworking handy man!