Life w/ the Boss has evened out and we are working on a routine. I've had people ask why I call her the Boss (Marsha!) when she's such a cutie. Simply put, she is the boss. When she says jump I ask how high. I get in trouble even for little things like going to the bathroom w/ out permission or eating lunch. I don't always call her the Boss, just on the internet. I mostly call her Mama's Pretty Girl.
This week we're staying @ my parent's house for the week. This week is scout camp and John and my dad are on staff. Mom and I are enjoying time together and Mom loves spending time w/ her youngest grandchild (youngest, at least until September). Mom has gotten the chance to brush up on her diaper changing skills (I got a kick out of watching mom's reaction when the Boss decided to pee after mom pulled the dirty diaper out from under her and before the clean one had been added) as well as helping give her a bath (again the Boss decided to pee when her diaper was off, but Mom was holding her over the sink, so not as big of a deal, but I still laughed lots).
Everyone that I've seen from Church (as well as mom and dad's neighbors) have been impressed w/ her hair. @ church yesterday there were 4 new babies and out of the 4 (which includes the Boss) only one had any hair to speak of. Everyone is amazed, but I'm not. I've known almost as soon as I first saw her that she looked like her dad. She's even inheited his cowlick (or one of the 3 he has). I'm still hoping that once her baby hair falls out it'll come back in red. I would really like to have @ least one red headed child.
Her eyes haven't changed color yet. Mom is hoping they'll stay blue. She seems to think that none of her kids have her blue eyes, but mine go between green and blue (she says that doesn't count). I had to remind her, when she tried to complain about having all brown eyed kids, that Jacob and I both have green eyes.
Well, I need to hurry up and shower before the Boss wakes up and throws a fit.