For those of you who live in a bubble or maybe haven't been paying attention; I'm pregnant. Not just slightly pregnant, but "can't tie my own shoes" pregnant. Our little one is due May 9th, which is (not counting today) 9 days away. We are excited and have all of the major things ready for a baby. We're also taking birthing classes.
Birthing class is a really nice informative class. I took it mainly for the tour of the hospital, but they did show us the different things that could be used on me and the baby during labor (forceps or the vacuum suction thingy?). They also had a "video night" where we watched actual labors that had been taped. It was gross and graphic. John kept looking @ me and telling me that the waiting room looked better and better. Ya know what? I agree, if it weren't for the fact that I was the one pregnant I would totally be in the waiting room.
An interesting development from being so hugely pregnant is the way people answer the phone when I call them. It's never, "hey how are you?" or "what's up?" it's always "are you in labor?" or "are you having pains?". Most of this is from my parents. John can say what he wants, but I come by my drama queen-ness honestly. I get it from both of my parents.
I did take a p
icture today to show off my very large belly. I didn't realize I was so big, but then again, I am 9 mths pregnant. I guess this just goes to show how vain I am. I saw pics that someone had taken @ my baby shower and was shocked when I noticed I had more than one chin! This really shouldn't surprise me, yet it does. Well, I take solace in the assumption that I'll not have more than one chin after little one appears.
As for names, we have a name, but we aren't telling. This drives my parent's up the wall (dad has decided that we are naming her Temperance), but both of us have known too many people who have announced the name before hand only to change it last minute. We'll announce the name when the ink is dry on the birth certificate and we won't take forever to name her, either. She'll be named before we leave the hospital. I've heard of people who want to "get to know" the baby before naming them and end up taking 2-3 months to do so. I know it would drive John nuts if I did something similar. I try not to annoy him too much, so we've got a #1 name and a couple of back ups, just in case.