Looky what we bought today! We found a really good deal @ the flea market and was able to get the nursery more than 1/2 way done (maybe 3/4ths). We have the clothes we've been given in the dressers. My feet hurt and my back was hurting, but I've got the wonderful feeling of accomplishment (plus a husband who is currently getting me ice cream).
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
The best Ruby Pic EVER!
Green Thumbs

My granny had a green thumb. She could make anything grow, anywhere. Her house was surrounded by beautiful flowerbeds and her garden never had a bad year. She loved being outside and working on the yard. She even mowed her huge yard until the year she broke her ankle (and then crawled to the porch to wait for someone to come visit her). Unfortunately, my mom and I are not her heirs when it comes to gardening. In fact, I think the only thing I really inherited from her is stubbornness (as John will attest). She had her weaknesses (not being able to remember people's names, she called Marsha Marcy from the beginning), but gardening was her thing.
I bring up my Granny's green thumb b/c I've been kinda thinking about her here recently. When I was on my mission in Germany, my parent's went to Hawaii to see my oldest brother graduate from college (Ben sure knows how to pick schools!). Mom fell in love w/ Hawaii, who wouldn't, and brought home a plumeria flower cutting. She then came home and ordered more from QVC (her addiction of choice). When I moved to Huntington and into a house, she gave me a cutting of one of her plumeria flowers w/ very specific directions on how not to kill it (both of us are not the best @ keeping things alive). Naturally, I lost the cutting for a good while, but when I found it, decided to plant it anyways. It was not dead, a minor miracle. Last year, I decided to re pot the poor thing into a huge container (that was full of another plant that I killed).
I bought miracle grow potting soil and re potted it before the spring really set in. It bloomed until November. I bring this up b/c mom's many plumeria flowers have only bloomed once. Everyday she would call me to see how my plant was doing, if there were any new blooms etc. I began emailing her photos of the flowers to show off (hey, not perfect!). So I was delighted the other day when mom noticed that my plumeria was starting to get it's leaves (they all die off every winter, then grow back before it blooms again). I also noticed it's starting to fork. So I'm hoping to have a beautiful flowering plumeria again this summer. It will be nice b/c when it's not summer, everyone who sees it asks me why
I have a stick in dirt by my front door.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Gluttony is a sin for a reason
This past Friday I "forced" John to take me to our favorite restaurant, Super China Buffet. Being an all you can eat buffet, I ate all I could eat, waited, then ate more (plus dessert). I didn't think it would be a problem, after all I'm almost 8 months pregnant and if a pregnant woman can't eat a bunch of Chinese food, then who can? I quickly found out I was wrong. We ate so much that we had to walk it off. We chose to go to Circuit City and said, "we won't buy anything, even if it's clearance". Naturally, we were wrong. Walking around w/ movies didn't really help my over-eating. That night was the first night I've not been able to sleep b/c I ate too much. John had a bad night as well. Of course, our little girl decided to throw a party @ 3am that night, too.
Another exciting bit of news: I have a bathroom shower now! We've lived in our house for 3 yrs now w/ just a bathtub. Living in an old house gives you all kinds of exciting experiences (like how the creaking and settling can sound exactly like someone walking around your house @ midnight), so getting used to a bathtub was one I got used to. I wanted a shower, but other things were more important (like fixing the leak in our roof).
When I became pregnant, getting a shower was moved up to the top of our list. I would eventually get so big I wouldn't be able to get up under my own power (it happens sometimes now and John laughs, hard, as he helps me up). B/c I have a wonderful hardworking husband, he started working on it. He had it all planned out and we thought it would only take a weekend, 2 @ most to get the shower up and working. Life doesn't always go according to plan, unfortunately and we had some setbacks w/ our shower. Luckily, we have good friends and family who are able to help John out when I can't (which for this project is almost everything). I was very excited to take a shower this morning instead of a bath. It also took us less time/water for the both of us to get ready for church this morning.
I do love my hardworking handy man!
Another exciting bit of news: I have a bathroom shower now! We've lived in our house for 3 yrs now w/ just a bathtub. Living in an old house gives you all kinds of exciting experiences (like how the creaking and settling can sound exactly like someone walking around your house @ midnight), so getting used to a bathtub was one I got used to. I wanted a shower, but other things were more important (like fixing the leak in our roof).
When I became pregnant, getting a shower was moved up to the top of our list. I would eventually get so big I wouldn't be able to get up under my own power (it happens sometimes now and John laughs, hard, as he helps me up). B/c I have a wonderful hardworking husband, he started working on it. He had it all planned out and we thought it would only take a weekend, 2 @ most to get the shower up and working. Life doesn't always go according to plan, unfortunately and we had some setbacks w/ our shower. Luckily, we have good friends and family who are able to help John out when I can't (which for this project is almost everything). I was very excited to take a shower this morning instead of a bath. It also took us less time/water for the both of us to get ready for church this morning.
I do love my hardworking handy man!
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