We were placed on a bad weather watch yesterday and normally, we don't get anything, but this
time we did! This is the first time since I've lived in our house that I've not been able to see the road in front of our house. John went out and shoveled the sidewalks while I salted them (I offered to help shovel, but he didn't want me to hurt myself). We have probably about 6 inches on the ground right now, and it's still snowing.
After I took some pics of the snow, I noticed I have an old pic of me on the camera. This was taken the day I realized I was actually showing. Of course, this was also the last day I wore that sweater, which is sad b/c it's one of my favs. John, naturally, made a smart alek comment about me needing to lose weight (all the while I was eating doughnuts!). I was about 5 months along when this picture was taken. I show a lot more now that I'm 6 1/2
months along. She's also a lot more active now than she was when this pic was taken (as evidenced by the fact she wouldn't let me sleep last night, she was so intent on kicking me)